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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Typical mammalian cell ATP pool turnover Typical mammalian cells 1.5 (0.5) min^-1 108222 Molecular Biology of...
Diameter of a typical mammalian nucleus Mammals 5 - 10 μm 109953 Li GW, Xie XS. Central...
Intracellular volume of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells compared to that of normal mammalian cells Mouse Mus musculus 2 to 3 orders of magnitude smaller 109064 Wang J, Alexander P,...
Number of mRNA molecules in a typical single mammalian cell Mammals 200000 mRNAs/cell 109916 Shapiro E, Biezuner T...
Intracellular pH value in a typical mammalian cell Mammals in lysosome 4.7: in mitochondria 8.0 unitless 114153 Hou H et al., Single-cell...
Cell growth inhibition by hydroxycinnamic acids and curcumin in various mammalian cells Mammalian tissue culture cell Table - link mM 107427 Ferguson LR, Zhu ST,...
Total zinc quota of mammalian cells in culture Mammalian tissue culture cell 0.4 fmol per cell 108832 Outten CE, O'Halloran...
Protein content in a typical cell Mammals 250 pg/cell 110558 Carroll KM, Simpson DM...
Volume of a typical cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 4000 µm^3 105906 Luby-Phelps K. Cytoa...
Endogenous DNA damages in mammalian cells Mammals Table - link DNA damages/cell/day 107472 Editor: Dr. Robert A. Meyers...
Approximate composition of bacterial and mammalian cells Various Table - link % 107131 Palsson BO, Systems ...
RNA amount often extracted from one mammalian cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 0.1-1 pg 101740 Ginsberg SD. RNA amp...
Comparison of ion concentrations inside and outside a typical mammalian cell Mammals Table - link mM 106428 Alberts, Molecular biology...
Comparison of ion concentrations inside and outside a typical mammalian cell Mammals Table - link mM 107036 Alberts et al., Essential...
Diameter of an autophagosome in mammalian cells Human Homo sapiens 900 (500-1500) nM 111181 Mizushima, Noboru, Yoshinori...
Typical cellular parameter values for a bacterial E. coli cell, the single-celled eukaryote S. cerevisiae (budding yeast), and a mammalian HeLa cell line Various Table link Refs list link N/A 111494 Adapted for the book...
Diameters of various mammalian, yeast and insect cells Various link μm 108910
Energy required to synthesize 1g dry weight of cells Mouse LS cells 0.024 mole ATP/gDW 106070 Kilburn DG, Lilly MD...
Concentration of Mg2+ in both prokaryotic and mammalian cells Various 15 - 25 mM 110389 Moomaw AS, Maguire ME....
Typical mRNA half life in human cells Human Homo sapiens ~10 Hours 104747 Yang et al. Decay Rates...